Your first $250
your first $250 online
One day you drive up to my house.
You park in my driveway under the tree.
You climb out of your car, walk up to the
door, turn the knob and come inside.
You walk in, turn left down the hallway and
walk right up to my office door.
You open the door.
I’m sitting at my desk in front of the window,
my cup of coffee is in one hand and I’m smiling
at you.
You WASTE NO TIME getting straight down to business.
“YOURNAME,” you say, “I need to know and I need
to know FAST. If you were me and you needed to start
making $250 every day…
…how would you do it?”
Here’s what I would say:
“I’m glad you asked. Here’s exactly what I’d do.
Listen closely…”
Do that.
And change your life.